Member Profile: Joe Martinez


Joe, 36, played baseball at Seton Hall Prep and pitched in the majors for the San Francisco Giants, Cleveland Indians and Arizona Diamondbacks. After retiring from baseball, Joe started training at The ANNEX in CrossFit.

You’ve been with The ANNEX for awhile now. Tell us about your sports performance training here.

Started training there when I was still playing baseball around 2008. It helped a lot. One of my advantages over other guys who didn’t take training so seriously or have the resources I had in Mickey and the Annex and getting the training that I needed that was truly sports specific.

Training at The ANNEX directly contributed to helping me perform better. I was heading into the off-season knowing I had done more and worked smarter than a lot of other guys. It gave me confidence heading onto the field and I saw a marked improvement every year since I started training at the Annex. My body felt, I felt stronger and it definitely made a difference in how I pitched and showed up on the mound.

How did you initially discover The ANNEX?

Mickey and I went to high school together so we’ve been friends since we were 15 or so. We   played freshman football together. We reconnected after we both went to college. I was playing pro ball I was in Arizona and saw Mickey was at Arizona State at the time and we saw each other out at a bar one night. 

Eventuyally I heard he was training Rick [Porcello], then my agent knew of Mickey and I started training at The ANNEX.

How did you get into group training at The ANNEX?

In 2014 I stopped playing and came back to New Jersey and wanted to stay in shape so I joined CrossFit Annex.

I really works for me because it’s efficient. You can go for an hour, usually 5 or 6 in the morning and feel like you did something productive before working hours. 

The structure the workout that’s programmed at The ANNEX is about doing things responsibly and using movement and rep schemes that decrease the likelihood of getting injured. My goal is to stay in shape. I love working out and this type of training works for my life.

What are your favorite workout types?

I enjoy the barbell work and the strength components. My least favorite are the workouts that are more aerobic like running and and rowing. On the other hand I really like the gymnastics, the explosive moves like handstand pushups or muscle ups.

What keeps you motivated?

Well, fitness has become my golf. As much as I enjoy golf, I can’t say on a Saturday, “Sorry honey, sorry kids, I’m going out to play golf all day now.”

Training at The ANNEX has become my meditation. I sweat and get stress out and check that box. It’s a really positive community environment of people all working towards similar goals. And when it’s cold and rainy out and you don’t fee like going, you’ll get a group text holding you accountable. 

Li Wang